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Effective Strategies to Stand Out in Job Applications

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Effective Strategies to Stand Out in Job Applications

  1. Leverage Your Network: The fastest way to an interview is when someone you know makes a referral or recommendation1. So, if you have contacts who can refer you to a job or introduce you to a hiring manager, spend your time and energy there—it will have the greatest payoff.

  2. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile: Recruiters spend countless hours scouring LinkedIn in search of high performers. Market yourself as a high performer through your verbiage (think action words, accomplishments) and by having multiple endorsements.

  3. Create a Winning Online Portfolio: Showcase samples of your work. If you’re applying for a specific position, pay particular attention to the skills advertised in the job description. Use that information to guide you on what to put front and center on your portfolio.

  4. Ask for LinkedIn Recommendations: Ask a few key people to write a LinkedIn recommendation for you. Be specific: Tell the person precisely what you’d love showcased and offer specific examples.

  5. Follow Up: To stand out as a top-notch candidate, follow up with the recruiter a few days after submitting your application. This shows them you are invested in the opportunity and care about the role.

  6. Prepare for the Interview: During the interview, avoid talking about what you’re not. Tell a story about yourself, allow yourself to be vulnerable, don’t hide who you are, and pose thoughtful questions to the hiring manager.

Remember, standing out in the application process is about more than just having the right skills—it’s about showing your passion for the role and the company, and demonstrating how you can add value. Follow TXM Manpower Solutions for more Updates